Clay pots keep the fire burning

Entertainment: 26 July 2024

Mr Thomas Ndou, better known as “TT” Ndou of Misevhe B, has found his niche in making clay pots. Not only does his new trade allow him to be creative, but it also enables him to supplement his income.



Pensioner takes up wood carving

Entertainment: 25 July 2024 By Kaizer Nengovhela

A message of hope for pensioners who think that after retirement they must sit around doing nothing at home comes from Mr. Josias Netshikovhela (69) of Pile in the Niani area, who started a new life as a wood carver after his retirement.

A second novel for Omphulusa

Entertainment: 21 July 2024 By Kaizer Nengovhela

Omphulusa Ramenu, a writer from Muhuyu, has published her second novel, titled “Mbuyelela I yala.” Ramenu hopes that this offering to the world of literature will change people’s lives, especially the youth. “This book is about the different kinds of challenges people face in their lives. Some of these challenges we choose for ourselves, while there are also challenges that we don’t have a say in; they just come, and we have to face them.”





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