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Body of woman found next to Lwamondo Post Office


The Tshotheli family of Lwamondo Tshifulanani, outside Thohoyandou, were left with many unanswered questions after the lifeless body of one of their family members was found next to the Lwamondo Post Office early on the morning of Sunday, 22 October.

The full details surrounding the death of the deceased, who was identified as Livhuwani Tshotheli (44), was still sketchy at the time of our going to press, but according to her brother, Mr Enos Bila, the family started to become worried when Livhuwani did not come home the previous night. He said that when they tried to call her to hear where she was, they found that her phone had been switched off. The next morning, they were informed that she was dead.

Vhembe SAPS spokesperson W/O Vuledzani Dathi said that Livhuwani had been lying on her back, facing upwards, when she had been found. She had stab wounds to her face and over her body. Bila was called in and positively identified the body as that of his sister.

The police in Vuwani have opened a murder docket and a manhunt was launched to track the suspects down. Any information that might help the police with their investigation can be directed to the investigating officer, Sergeant Machebele on 083 200 8870.



Date:26 October 2023

By: Silas Nduvheni

Read: 2287






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