Khathutshelo Dzaga ane a ḓivhiwa khwine nga ḽa Khathu kha nḓowetshumo ya muzika. Tshifanysio: Matt Fam Photography.
Tshiṱori nga: Thembi Siaga. Ṱhalutshedzo nga: Khathutshelo Raliphaswa
Khathutshelo Dzaga a bvaho Ṱhohoyanḓou Block G, o tswa mbilu dza vhanzhi nga luimbo lwawe lwe a anḓadza lune lwa vhidziwa “Muvhonetsheli”. Kha luimbo ulwo Khathutshelo o shuma na Ubber Black na Racha Kill. Khathutshelo u ḓivhiwa khwine nga dzina ḽa 'Khathu' kha nḓowetshumo ya muzika. Luimbo ulu lwa Khathu ndi lune lwa ṱutshelana khwine na nḓila ine a tshila nau imba ngayo, hune lwa ṱaluswa sa ṱhanganyelwo ya amapiano na Afro-beat.
Khathu uri luimbo ulu lwa Muvhonetsheli ndi lwa u thoma u takalelwa nga vhathu vhanzhi nga nḓila iyi, a tshi lu vhambedza na nyimbo dzawe dza murahu na aḽibamu thangeli ye ya vhidziwa uri “Private Code” ye a i anḓadza murahu. “Holu luimbo ndi lwa uṱahisa nga ha muthu ane avha lufunoni, a tshi sumbedzisa mulingani wawe uri arali a siho, vhutshilo hawe vhu ḓovha vhu fhethu hure na swiswi sa izwi hu ene tshedza khae. Ndi funa lufuno lune vhatevheli vha muzika wanga vha nnea lwone, hone ulu ndi luṅwe lwa dzi nyimbo dzanga dzine vhathu vho dzi thetshelese nau dzi takalela, izwi ndi khou amba ngau vhona mbalo-mbalo dza vhathu vhane vhatevhela muzika wanga,” uamba.
Lwendo lwa Khathu kha muzika lwo thoma nga ṅwaha wa gidimbili malo musi a tshe mugudiswa wa Tshikevha Christian School. Nga tshifhinga zwa musi hu tshi imbiwa, mugudisi wawe vho ḓou limuwa vhukoni hawe he vha mu ṱuṱuwedza uri a ṱuṱule vhukoni uho, he a fhedza o ḓi wana e kha nḓowetshumo ya muzika.
“Ndi he nda limuwa uri ndi na vhukoni hau imba, he nda thoma ndi murendi. Nga ṅwaha wa gidimbili fumi-na-thihi, ndo ḓou ṱangana na muimbi Lutroo Da Music, we a nṱuṱuwedza uri ndi kanḓisa muzika wanga. Nga vhukoni hau ṅwala he ndavha ndi naho ubva kha zwa vhurendi, ndo ḓou ṅwala muzika wanga nne mune,” a amba.
Khathu o ṱahisa nga ha dzi khaedu dzine a ṱangana nadzo sa ramuzika wa mufumakadzi, uri ndi u vhidziwa uri aḓe u imba kana u mbvumbvusa vhathu. “Vhunzhi ha vhaimbi vha vhafumakakadzi vha thudzelwa kule hu tshi vhidziwa Vhathu, zwine zwavha khaedu khulwane khavho,” u amba.
Uri Vhathu vha lavhelele luimbo lwawe luswa, lune a khou shumana nalwo lune lwo lavhelelwa u anḓadzwa nga ḽa fumbili-rathi Lambamai.
Date:24 April 2024
Thembi Siaga started as an intern during 2021. He assisted with video photography and editing. He also produced numerous small documentaries, focusing on the Vhembe region and its people. Currently he works as a freelance journalist, covering stories in the Elim area.
Thembi studied at the Tshwane University of Technology, where he completed his diploma in Journalism in 2021.
Read: 176
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