Tshandama Young Stars’ dribbling wizard, Dakalo Ndou. Photo: Frank Mavhungu.

Will Tshandama Young Stars shine over Rodadau?


The struggle for promotion and to avoid relegation at the end of the season will continue among the teams affiliated with the Limpopo Stream of the Sasol Women’s League this weekend. Seven matches will be played on Saturday afternoon, with only one scheduled for Sunday.

Whether Tshandama Young Stars will manage to rise to the occasion and beat Rodadau FC when they meet at the Tshitungulwane Grounds outside Vuwani on Saturday remains to be seen. Rodadau is yet to drop a league point and have managed to win their first three matches. Their latest success was a 3-0 victory over Masakona Liberty Experience at the Masakona Grounds last Saturday.

Things are not going according to plan in the Young Stars’ camp. They managed to collect only one point in the three matches they have played so far. The players to watch in the Young Stars’ camp include Musandiwa Manyaga and Dakalo Ndou. Rodadau’s playmakers, Mosibudi Ngobeni and Mokgaetji Thabetha, will cause havoc among the Stars’ defence if they are not tightly marked.

Sinthumulekutama FC will host Lacoste Morning Stars at the Sinthumule High School Grounds. Sinthumulekutama is yet to lose a league match to date, while Morning Stars lost one of the two matches they had played so far.

Merwe United Ladies will play in front of their home crowd when they entertain Masakona Liberty Experience at the Merwe Grounds in the Malamulele area. Merwe and Liberty Experience are battling to register a win this season.

Sealene Ladies and Sisters FC will fight for league points at the Lulekani Stadium outside Phalaborwa. The other fixtures are Golden Diamond Ladies vs FC 50 Stars United, Mandebele Happy Fighters Ladies vs Ramatlaohle Ladies, and Maindis Ladies vs University of Limpopo FC.



Date:10 May 2024

By: Frank Mavhungu

Frank is a Human Resources Manager at the Department of Public Works in Limpopo. He is the longest serving correspondent of the Mirror, having joined us at the end of 1990.  He mainly writes sports reports and resides at Tsianda Village. In 2004, Frank won the National Castle League Award, an award for the best reporter in the SAB league in South Africa.

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