Some of her fellow advocates, court managers, and court interpreters carried  the coffin of the late Adv Florence Radzilani, before she was laid to rest in the Mbaleni graveyard on Saturday, 14 October. Photo: Silas Nduvheni.

Advocate Florence Radzilani laid to rest


Family, friends, colleagues, and members of the community gathered at the Christ Worship House (CWC) in Maniini village on Saturday, 14 October, for the funeral of the late Advocate Florence Radzilani, who passed away sadly on 7 October, after a long illness.

Radzilani worked as a labour-relations practitioner for the National Prosecution Authority (NPA) in Pretoria. She joined the NPA in April 2021, after she was admitted to practice as an advocate.

She was described as a hardworking, friendly woman, who always encouraged people to take their education seriously.

Speaking during the service, Mr Humbulani Netangaheni, the NPA’s deputy director of labour relations in Pretoria, said that, in the short time that Radzilani had been with them, she had contributed immensely to the organisation. “Radzilani was her own person; headstrong, always standing for what she believed in, and humble too. She always showed humility and was always cheerful and efficient. We are proud of what she made of herself and her life. Through her passion, she demonstrated her achievements by ensuring that her clients received the best she had to offer. On behalf of the NPA, we would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to the family. We thank them for allowing her to serve the NPA with such dedication, respect, and dignity,” he said.

Ms Sarah Munyai, representing the CWC, said the late advocate had also been a staunch member of the church who had contributed to many projects that had been initiated to benefit the community and church.

After the church service, Radzilani was laid to rest in the Mbaleni graveyard. She is survived by her husband, Mr Erick Radzilani, who is also an interpreter at the Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court, and their three children.



Date:19 October 2023

By: Silas Nduvheni

Read: 6497






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