Netshituni Bus Services Manager Mr Vusani Masakona hands over the keys of the new buses to the drivers. Photo: Maanda Bele.

Sigh of relief for commuters as Netshituni gets six new buses


The announcement by Netshituni Bus Services that the company had purchased six additional buses came as a relief to commuters from the deep rural villages in the Thulamela area and nearby villages.

For many years, commuters from various areas have been complaining about the shortage of buses, which led to their getting to work late or having to stand in a bus when traveling to town. On Friday, 26 April, Netshituni Azwibali Bus Services added six new articulated buses to their collection.

One of the commuters who uses the bus from Tshaulu Tshilaphala, Mr Azwifaneli Nengudza, said he had been using Netshituni Bus Services for more than a decade. “This was long overdue. I have been a loyal commuter for 12 years now, and I have been late to work, and I have also gotten home late. But I also appreciate the buses for coming to our rural villages because if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be able to go to work because where I stay, we have a serious transport problem because our roads are not well-gravelled. We are happy that there are new buses, and we can now get to work on time," he said.

During the bus handover session at Netshituni’s depot at Tshikhudini on Tuesday, 30 April, the bus company's manager, Mr Vusani Masakona, said the expansion signified improved transportation services and increased accessibility for residents who rely on public transit.

“We have heard the cry of our customers, and today we are excited to add six articulated buses to our routes. We hope these buses will solve some of the problems that we have been facing. We know it will not be easy for our customers to trust us again,” he said.

Netshituni Bus Services was founded in 1984 by the late Mr Andries Netshituni, who has since passed on. His wife, Mrs. Luciana Netshituni, is the managing director.



Date:11 May 2024

By: Maanda Bele

Maanda  Bele, born and raised in Nzhelele Siloam, studied journalism at the Tshwane University of Technology.

He is passionate about current news and international affairs.

He worked as part of the Zoutnet team as an intern in 2017.

He is currently a freelance journalist specialising in news from the Vhembe district.

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