The murdered woman, Ms Pfano Mpofu. Photo supplied.

Young Gondeni mother brutally killed


A young resident of Gondeni, Sterkstroom, outside Thohoyandou, 29-year-old Ms Pfano Mpofu, was brutally murdered on Monday. She was found lying on a gravel road around 07:30, bleeding profusely from a head wound. When emergency medical personnel arrived on the scene, she was already dead.

The spokesperson for the police in the Vhembe district, W/O Vuledzani Dathi, confirmed the incident and said that the woman had been found near Mangumane Nweli village. “The victim had multiple stab wounds on the head and face,” he said. By the time the police arrived on the scene, the suspect had already fled.

The murdered woman’s aunt, Ms Margareth Mphaphuli, said the death had torn their hearts apart. She believes that Pfano’s husband may be able to provide more clarity on what had happened. The couple had two children who stayed with them. “But their relationship has not been that rosy. She used to complain about the abuse she was subjected to and even came back home. After some time, she went back to him at Matsika village, but the relationship still could not work out. That is when she came back home for good, and today we have this brutal killing,” said Ms Mphaphuli.

Community leader Mr Mpho Nemukula said the whole community was greatly saddened. He said he had received a call while shopping at Malavuwe. “We rushed to the scene with the woman’s mother. The situation was bad as she was lying in a pool of blood. The mother could not hold back her tears,” he said.

Meanwhile, the police have opened a murder case and are calling on Mr Avhurengwi Mukhathi to avail himself to the nearest police station as they believe he can assist them in solving the case.

“We are also calling on community members who might have information about the incident and the whereabouts of Mukhathi to contact the investigating officer, Sergeant Rendani Peter Tshavhungwe, at 072 189 2544,” said Dathi.



Date:01 March 2024

By: Elmon Tshikhudo

Elmon Tshikhudo started off as a photographer. He developed an interest in writing and started submitting articles to local as well as national publications. He became part of the Limpopo Mirror family in 2005 and was a permanent part of the news team until 2019. He currently writes on a freelance basis, covering human rights issues, court news and entertainment.

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