The late Tapiwa Makwarani Tazvinga, known as “Giant”. Photo supplied.

Police searching for gunman after murder at Tshikhwani


The spate of violent crimes that often result in the loss of human life is becoming a source of great concern in the Tshikhwani area, where crime has become so rampant that residents confine themselves to their houses as soon as darkness falls.

In the most recent incident, a 40-year-old man - identified as Tapiwa Makwari Tazvinga and known by the villagers only as “Giant” - was shot and killed at his rented house on Friday night (2 February).

Police spokesperson Lt-Col Malesela Ledwaba said reports indicated that the suspect had knocked on the victim’s door before the neighbours had heard gunshots. The suspect then fled into the darkness. The motive for the attack is still unknown, but the police have opened a murder case.

Ledwaba emphasised that the community’s cooperation could play a crucial role in helping the police bring those responsible to justice. They are appealing to anyone who might have witnessed the incident or have information on the suspect/s to come forward to assist the police with their investigation. They can contact their nearest police station.

Vhamusanda Vho Mbulaheni Ramabulana, who attended the crime scene, said they did not know much about the dead man, only that his neighbours had heard gunshots being fired at around 20:00, during load shedding. He said they suspected Tazvinga might have been from Zimbabwe.

Ramabulana added that this had become one of the most disturbing issues in the community. “There is not a week that passes by without an incident of crime here. We are no longer safe here, and we must hide ourselves in our houses when it becomes dark. But even there we are not safe as they even break doors open to commit crime. There have been so many robberies and killings where firearms were used. We are taking issues of crime very seriously and will make it a standing agenda point during our meetings,” he said.



Date:08 February 2024

By: Kaizer Nengovhela

Kaizer Nengovhela started writing stories for Limpopo Mirror in 2000. Prior to that he had a five year stint at Phala-Phala FM as sports presenter. In 2005 Kaizer received an award from the province's premier as Best Sports Presenter. The same year he was also nominated as Best Sports Reporter by the Makhado Municipality. Kaizer was awarded the Mathatha Tsedu award in 2014.

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