The minibus where it ended up in the bushes after the incident. Photo supplied.

Learners traumatised as driver is shot dead at Mukula


Frightened pupils had to jump out of a moving Sprinter minibus taxi after the driver was shot and killed at the Brown Makhado Bus Rank in Mukula village on Wednesday morning, 22 November.

Some of the injured learners missed their final examinations as they had to be rushed to nearby hospitals, while others received medical attention at the scene. The traumatised learners said they had heard gunshots after the minibus had stopped to pick up learners from the village.

According to the SAPS spokesperson in Limpopo, Brig Hlulani Mashaba, the police were informed about a shooting incident along the Mukula road. “Upon arrival with emergency services personnel, they discovered a Sprinter minibus parked on the side of the road, presumably carrying school learners. A male victim was found in the driver’s seat with gunshot wounds, while the learners were scattered on the ground. Some were taken to the nearest hospital for trauma, while others were treated at the scene. About six empty cartridges were found inside the minibus. The motive behind the shooting is unknown at this stage, and the police have since opened a murder case,” said Mashaba.

The driver, certified dead at the scene, was identified by his family as Rudzani Rambani (42). The incident happened at the same spot where a taxi driver from Khubvi was ambushed and shot dead by armed robbers a few years ago.

Parents who rushed to the scene immediately after the incident said crime in this country was becoming unbearable and that the government would have to start making use of all their resources to protect members of the community. “It is a miracle that our children survived this horrible experience. We are not safe in this country anymore,” one of the parents said.

The police are appealing to anyone who has information that can assist them with the apprehension of the suspect to contact the investigating officer, Capt Makwela, on 082 414 7763 or 015 960 1099. Alternatively, they can call the Crime Stop number on 08600 10111, their nearest police station, or via the MySAPSApp.



Date:30 November 2023

By: Victor Mukwevho

Victor Mukwevho Ne-vumbani joined the Mirror during it's inception in 1990. He joined the SABC newsroom in 1995, and was known by  listeners as "A u fhedzisela ari". He was a news editor for The Tembisan Newspaper from 2007 to 2015. He rejoined the Limpopo Mirror newspaper in June 2022 as a freelance journalist.

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