Signing the memorandum of understanding are Univen Principal Prof Bernard Nthambeleni (left) and Thovhele Rambuda Ratshibvumo (right). Photo supplied.

Univen signs historic MoU with Rambuda community


The signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the University of Venda and the Rambuda Traditional Authority has been hailed as a catalyst that will fast track development in the rural region.

The historic event, to cement the relationship between the Rambuda community and Univen formally, took place at the local Rambuda Dzimauli traditional offices on Wednesday, 27 September. Present during the signing was the University of Venda’s vice-chancellor and principal, Prof Bernard Nthambeleni, who arrived with his entourage, which included researchers and students, and the Rambuda Traditional Council, led by Thovhele Rambuda Ratshibvumo II.

The MoU will, among other things, assist both parties to hold jointly organised meetings and workshops on subjects of mutual interest. It will also assist the two communities to cooperate in the field of community engagement, including work-integrated learning, and to cooperate with each other in engaged scholarships. The two communities will further share and utilise knowledge, skills, expertise, and experience in designing and executing development initiatives together.

Speaking during the occasion, Thovhele Ratshibvumo II said the relationship between the two entities had been in existence for some time. “The signing of this memorandum is just a formality to cement the already existing relationship. Researchers from Univen have long been working here. We also have the Univen Resource Centre, which is being utilised by the community here, but especially by the students. The signing should not be confused with job opportunities but will provide skills training that would in turn equip locals with skills they can use to start their own businesses and also create jobs for themselves and others,” he said.

Prof Nthambeleni thanked Thovhele Ratshibvumo II for partnering with them in their quest to develop rural communities. “These are the places where our students come from, and we are very appreciative of the support we are getting from Thovhele Ratshibvumo. We have also started what we call Univen Business Advisory Centres, which will be utilised by our researchers and students,” he said.



Date:19 October 2023

By: Elmon Tshikhudo

Elmon Tshikhudo started off as a photographer. He developed an interest in writing and started submitting articles to local as well as national publications. He became part of the Limpopo Mirror family in 2005 and was a permanent part of the news team until 2019. He currently writes on a freelance basis, covering human rights issues, court news and entertainment.

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