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Smart dresser, bass guitarist, artist manager, programme director and music producer Phathutshedzo Dr Mukhuwa Mudzuli. Photo: Photographic Lab.

Phathutshedzo Pietersen Mudzuli: the unsung hero behind the scenes


Generally, when we talk about musical celebrities, much attention is given to lead vocalists, but we often forget about the major role players behind the scenes who make things happen. One of these forgotten heroes is Phathutshedzo Pietersen Mudzuli (38), an artist manager, producer, and skilled bass guitarist of note.

Mudzuli, who wears many hats in the music industry, is also a renowned programme director with the perfect skills to make guests laugh until they cry. When he is not on musical tours with various artists or directing programmes, Mudzuli spends time in his brother’s studio, assisting budding artists with their recordings.

The smart dresser, who hails from Pile village outside Tshilamba, is the driving force behind the success of countless gospel-music artists around the country. He has played various roles, including bass guitarist, manager, and producer, for big gospel names such as Ndivhaleni Musetha, Itani Vendaboy Mphaga, Mukhethwa Madula, and Takalani Makhura.

“When I work with various artists in different capacities, I don’t do it for name or fame. It just fulfils my heart to see myself helping people realise their dreams,” he said.

When asked how the nickname Dr Mukhuwa came about, Mudzuli explained: “When I was young, I was very light in complexion, and everyone likened me to a white man. Everyone used to call me mukhuwa, and this made me think about using this name for my benefit. That is why I decided to call myself Dr Mukhuwa whenever I wear my hat in the entertainment industry.”

He does not regret venturing into the entertainment industry. “I have travelled a lot around the country and rubbed shoulders with the best in the gospel-music industry. I have also directed programmes at weddings, parties, gala dinners, and funerals as far as Gauteng, Cape Town, and Mahikeng in the North West. I enjoy what I do, and I will keep on helping people realise their potential through my contributions.”



Date:19 October 2024


Read: 491




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