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Blind musician Humbulani Jongwe Munyai is back in the studio, recording his third album. Photo: Wilson Dzebu.

Humbulani has a vision even though his eyes cannot see


“Though I’m blind, God has blessed me with the special ability to ‘see’ life in a holistic way. That is why I continue to empower the community with much-needed knowledge and advice that helps them in their daily lives. There is no other way I could achieve this except through my musical talent,” says Tshivenda music star Humbulani Munyai of Musina.

Munyai states that his blindness does not affect his abilities. “I am a human being like everyone else. Not being able to see can never stand in my way to realise my potential. I don’t like it when people feel pity for me because there is nothing wrong with me. I am a differently abled person, and there are other things that I can do better than those who can see.”

Better known as Jongwe in the music industry, Munyai has two successful albums to his name. “I released my two albums when compact discs (CDs) were still selling well, and I used the sales proceeds from my music to start a smallholding farm where I now have 25 goats.”

Munyai, a former presenter at Musina FM, is now back in the studio, recording his new 10-track album, which will be released at the beginning of November. He expressed hope that his third album would perform as well as his previous two albums. “In fact, I spend most of my time on my farm, and it was not my intention to go to the studio now. It is pressure from my fans who keep asking me to return to the studio to give them more music. My fans are the ones who made me who I am today, and I must reward them by giving them more music to their satisfaction,” he said.

The album, whose name Munyai says is still a secret, is being recorded at G Records studios in Musina, under the skilful eye of renowned sound engineer and producer DJ Godzilla. Munyai states that although his upcoming album is Tshivenda traditional, he will also include two gospel songs to cater for his fans whom he attends church with.



Date:17 October 2024


Read: 127




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