'TRN' is back behind the Makhado FM microphone

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Thomphanani Ramudzuli Nengome, also known as “TRN,” has returned to Makhado FM after a six-year break.

The Tshikombani-born presenter started his radio career as a news anchor at Makhado FM back in 2012. In 2018, he opted to take a break from radio to pursue other options. However, the microphone kept calling, and he decided to pursue his dream again.

“Radio is my life, and I feel very happy to be back where I belong. Through radio, I can interact with different people and learn new things daily. I missed my listeners over these almost six years, and this reunion is the start of a new page for me,” he said.

Nengome added that his mission was to contribute to the development and success of local media. As an all-rounder, he finds presenting a talk show to be relatively easy. “I can present any kind of programme. Over the years, I have done different radio shows. I am happy that the response from the listeners during my first show last Monday was very positive. I believe that my presence at the radio station will add value as I will also be there to mentor young presenters who regard me as their role model.”

Nengome will be in charge of the current affairs show on Makhado FM during weekends from 07:00 to 08:00. However, he feels that the one-hour show may not be enough to satisfy his demand for interaction. “I love socialising and educating the community - something I believe radio does effectively. This really fuels my passion as a radio presenter,” he said.



Thomphanani Ramudzuli Nengome, also known as “TRN”, has returned to Makhado FM after a six year break. Photo supplied.


By: Kaizer Nengovhela

Kaizer Nengovhela started writing stories for Limpopo Mirror in 2000. Prior to that he had a five year stint at Phala-Phala FM as sports presenter. In 2005 Kaizer received an award from the province's premier as Best Sports Presenter. The same year he was also nominated as Best Sports Reporter by the Makhado Municipality. Kaizer was awarded the Mathatha Tsedu award in 2014.






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