Percy Singo publishes his first book

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First-time author Percy Singo published his debut book titled "How to Make Your Salary Work for You: A Guide to Financial Freedom" in November of last year. Singo explained that his book covers various topics on financial management, including how to manage debt, invest, build your credit score, and protect your wealth.

“I was motivated by the demand of people who sent me messages asking questions about their finances,” he said. Singo reached a point where he simply did not have enough time to respond to requests individually, so he decided to put the information in book form. “I wrote a book that not only offers practical solutions but also includes sums and figures so people can see exactly how I managed to save and what things cost. My goal is to teach others about finance until they achieve financial freedom. It also includes a workbook that delves into ways you can use to grow your income as well as wealth-protection tips as you continue to develop a positive attitude towards life.”

The 36-year-old from Shayandima said he learnt the importance of money management when he was still a young boy. “Growing up at church under Pastor TS Muligwe, I learned about managing finances, and by the time I started working, I had the information; I just needed to apply it,” he said. Singo added that he started saving and bought his first car. “Later on, I bought a house and paid it off in three years. Then, a friend advised me to start sharing this practical testimony with other people because what I am doing in my personal life can help a lot of people, and that's when I started sharing on social media.”

Singo is a civil engineer by profession, with a master’s degree in engineering from Wits University."



First-time author Percy Singo published a book on financial freedom. Photo supplied.


By: Maanda Bele

Maanda  Bele, born and raised in Nzhelele Siloam, studied journalism at the Tshwane University of Technology.

He is passionate about current news and international affairs.

He worked as part of the Zoutnet team as an intern in 2017.

He is currently a freelance journalist specialising in news from the Vhembe district.






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