Vhatambi vhaswa vha thimu ya VFC vhane vho ṅwaliselwa u alusa thimu. Afho nṱha (ubva kha monde uya kha tsha ula) ndi Brendan Baloyi, Daniel Gozar, Lufuno Ndou na Leon Sithole. Afho fhasi ndi Charles Lukwago, Siyabonga Dudula, Ndamulelo Fanie Raudzingana na Thapelo Sekgobela.
Tshitori nga Frank Mavhungu. Thalutshedzo nga Khathutshelo Raliphaswa.
Thimu yabola yamilenzhe ine yo aluswa kha ḽigi ya vhugwena ya Motsepe Founadtion, Venda Football Club (VFC), vha na muhumbulo wavhuḓ wau tenda zwauri vha ḓo shuma zwavhuḓi musi mitambo ya khalaṅwaha ntswa i tshi takutshedza mafhelo a vhege i tevhelaho. Izwi ndi ngauri thimu iyo yo ṅwalisa vhatambi vhaswa vha malo nga Sondaha ya ḽa fumi-thihi Ṱhangule.
Kha vhatambi avho hu katelwa mutambi wa kale wa Moroka Swallows, Daniel Gozar, ane a ḓo tambela VFC kha khalaṅwaha ine ya khou ḓa. Lufuno Ndou, we avha e mukapuṱeni wathimu ya Mpheni Defenders itambaho kha ḽiga ya ABC Motsepe lwa khalaṅwaha mbili dzo fhiraho, o ḓi imisela u thusa Maunavhathu. Zworalo, thimu yo aluwa nga u ṅwaliswa ha Thapelo Sekgobela na Brendan Baloyi, vhane vhoṱhe vha bva kha thimu ya Tzaneen United.
U alusa sia ḽa zwa vhulangavhuno, VFC yo ḓisa Ndamulelo Fanie Raudzingana a bvaho kha Mamelodi Sundowns. Mutambi wa kale wa JDR, Siyabonga Dudula, nae ndi muraḓo muswa wa VFC ane abva thungo lwa Ṱhohoyanḓou. U ṅwaliswa hune ho takadzesa vhathu ndi u ṅwaliswa ha mutambi wau mona na ḽifhasi a bvaho Uganda Charles Lukwago. Na Leon Sithole a bvaho kha FC Basel nae o ṅwaliswa kha VFC.
Nga tshifhinga tshau ḓivhadzwa ha vhatambi vhaswa, mudzulatshidulo wa thimu, Vho Itani Munzhelele, vho ombedzela khauri u ṅwaliswa ha vhatambi avha zwi tou sumbedza vhuḓiimiseli ha thimu khau ṱoḓa u aluswa uya kha divishini ya Betway Premiership kha makhaulatshele a 2024/25. Vho Munzhelele vhane vha ḓivhea sa “Vhanzheli,” vho sumbedzisa zwauri vha thimu ya zwa thekiniki vha ḓo dzula vha songo shandukiswa, hune Vho Dunzan Lechesa vha ḓo bvela phanḓa na uvha mugudisi muhulwane.
Thimu ya VFC iḓo thoma khalaṅwaha ntswa ngau tamba na thimu ya Milford FC luvhanḓeni lwa mitambo lwa Ṱhohoyanḓou nga Mugivhela wa ḽa fumbili-iṋa Ṱhangule.
Date:19 August 2024
Frank is a Human Resources Manager at the Department of Public Works in Limpopo. He is the longest serving correspondent of the Mirror, having joined us at the end of 1990. He mainly writes sports reports and resides at Tsianda Village. In 2004, Frank won the National Castle League Award, an award for the best reporter in the SAB league in South Africa.
Read: 145
The Maelula Tshifhire Traditional Dance Group will celebrate its 40th anniversary on Saturday, 21 September. The group, established in 1984, aims to promote the tshigombela, malende, and matangwa dances.