Ramuzika vha ḓivheaho vha dovha hafhu vhavha muḓinḓa wa Mudzimu Bishop Roxley Masevhe. Tshifanyiso: Kaizer Nengovhela.

Mulandu wa Bishop Roxley Masevhe yo bviswa kha mutevhe wa khothe


Tshiṱori nga Kaizer Nengovhela. Ṱhalutshedzo nga Khathutshelo Raliphaswa.

Vha khoro ya ndaulo ya lushaka (NPA) vho khwaṱhisedza zwauri mulandu wau tshipa malugana na ramuzika vha ḓivheaho Bishop Roxley Masevhe, wo bviswa kha mutevhe wa milandu ine ya ḓo sengwa khothe lwatshifhinga nyana. Izwo zwi khou tevhela zwe ha leleḓa milaedza kha zwileludzi zwa vhudavhidzani, hu tshi ambiwa zwauri mulandu wavho wo phumulwa.

“Sa vha NPA, ri nga khwaṱhisedza zwauri mulandu wa Vho Maseve wo bviswa kha mutevhe wa milandu ya khothe lwatshifhinyana sa izwi hovha hu na u lenga,” hu amba muambeli wa NPA fhano Limpopo Vho Mashudu Malabi-Dzhangi. Vho amba zwauri naho zworalo, izwo asi magumo a mulandu uyu.

Vho Malabi-Dzhangi vho ṱahisa zwauri vha khothe vho hana u fhirisela phanḓa mulandu muvhuso u tshe wo lindela tsheo i bvaho kha vha vhulangi muhulwane wa vhutshutshisi ha lushaka (DPP), zwe zwa kombetshedza uri mulandu u bviswe kha mutevhe.

“Mulandu u ḓo iswa kha vha DPP uri vha dzhie tsheo. Arali vha DPP vha dzia tsheo yau sengisa, Vho Masevhe vha ḓo tea u ḓi vhonadza phanḓa ha khothe,” vha amba.

Vho Masevhe vha khou hwelelwa u tshipa ṅwananyana wa minwaha ya fumi-sumbe. U tshipa zwi khou humbulelwa uri zwo thoma nga ṅwedzi wa Phando ṅwaha wo faho u vhuya u swika nga ṅwedzi wa Phando ṅwaha uno musi mulandu u tshi potwa mapholisani. Vho ḓou farwa nga ḽa malo Phando ṅwaha uno.

Vho Masevhe vho fhedza ṅwedzi vhe dzhele fhedzi vha neiwa beiḽi ya zwigidi zwa mahumi mavhili hu na ndayo nga vha khothe ya madzhisiṱiraṱa wa Ṱhohoyanḓou nga ḽau thoma ḽa Luhuhi.

Nga Lavhuṱanu ḽa fumbili-rathi Fulwana, ḽiṅwalo ḽine ha humbulelwa ri ḽo ṅwalwa nga Vho Masevhe, ḽo ḓou leleḓa kha zwileludzi zwa vhudavhidzani. Ḽiṅwalo iḽo ḽovha ḽo ṅwalwa zwauri: “nga tshilidzi tsha Mudzimu, vhathu avha ḓivhe zwauri mulandu wa Bishop Roxley Masevhe wo bviswa kha mutevhe wa milandu ya khothe nga Lavhuṱanu ḽa namusi ḽa fumbili-rathi Fulwana. Ri livhuwa vhathu vhoṱhe nga thabelo dzavho na thikhedzo. Mudzimu ndi vhavhuḓi. Jeso u na maanḓa. Vhathu vha fhaṱutshedzee. Dr Roxley Masevhe.”

Ḽiṅwalo iḽo ḽo ḓisa nḓaḓo kha vhadzulapo, he vhaṅwe vha timatima maanḓa a khothe. Vho Thelma Marole vha tshigwada tsha Vhembe Unted vho ṱahisa u nyama havho zwi tshi tevhela mvelele dza mulandu uyu. “Sa vhadzulapo, ro nyama zwihulu nga zwe zwa itea. Ahuna zwine ra khou lwela zwone na Vho Masevhe, fhedzi rovha ro lavhelela uri mulandu uyu u swike kha tsengo uri mupondiwa na vha muṱa vha kone u wana vhulamukanyi,” vha amba. Vho engedza zwauri vha tenda zwauri mulandu u ḓo vhuyiswa khothe hune Vho Masevhe vha ḓo ḓi vhonadza khothe.


Date:05 August 2024

By: Kaizer Nengovhela

Kaizer Nengovhela started writing stories for Limpopo Mirror in 2000. Prior to that he had a five year stint at Phala-Phala FM as sports presenter. In 2005 Kaizer received an award from the province's premier as Best Sports Presenter. The same year he was also nominated as Best Sports Reporter by the Makhado Municipality. Kaizer was awarded the Mathatha Tsedu award in 2014.

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